Who: Lauzon MMA Kids Members. This is an in-house tournament with only our members… no one from other schools. Reffed and bracketed by us to be as fair as possible.
What: Kids BJJ Tournament. Round Robin, so everyone goes against everyone else in their bracket. All kids will get a minimum of 2 matches. We will have medals for first, second and third place.
Where: Here, at Lauzon Mixed Martial Arts in Raynham, MA
When: Sunday June 2nd, 2024. Doors open at 1030am. Rules meeting starts at 11am. First matches will begin at 1115am. I think we will be FINISHED by 1230pm.
Why: To offer a professional, fun, safe, time efficient tournament which provides its competitors with the absolute best bracketing & match ups possible and introduces competitors to a controlled competition environment.
How Much: $40 per child and you MUST pre-register in advance.